New Life Women's Health & Infertility of North Texas

Gynecology   Fertility Care    NaPro Technology    Platelet Therapy



Infertility :  The Root Causes and Effective Treatments


Are you tired of being told that IVF is your only option to conceive?


Infertility is actually caused by underlying disease.  The diseases that cause infertility have a “two-pronged” effect.  They not only hinder the functioning of fertility but they also cause both short and long term health problems.  Dr. Jones and his staff work to correct what is initially diseased in the first place.  This can allow you to conceive naturally as well as bear future children without the invasive and high costs of IVF.


Dr. Jones’ common infertility treatments include: treatment for PCOS (the most common cause of infertility), CO2 laser-guided endometriosis surgery , Ovarian Wedge Resection, complete hormone profile to determine insufficient areas during a cycle, bio-identical hormone supplementation when indicated, as well as pinpointing exactly when ovulation occurs by subsequent follicle scans.


Dr. Jones follows specific protocols for each patient’s unique situation to achieve the best possible results.   These results often achieve a higher success rate than IVF and also provide adequate support in carrying the pregnancy to term.


Call today, (469) 352-7140 to schedule an appointment and setup a specific fertility plan designed just for you.


Website by: PhillipMJonesDesign